Join us as we celebrate connecting kids to the outdoors
Thursday, September 23 - 5:30pm-7:30pm
Celebrate the first day of Fall with an exciting outdoor fundraiser.
Put on your cozy fall clothes and RSVP to save your spot at Cat-on-Tap.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us just how important time in the outdoors is. It is imperative children have safe, positive, and memorable experiences outdoors not only for their physical health but their mental health. YOU can support youth who want to go outdoors by attending Cat-on-Tap and making a financial contribution to the Catamount Institute scholarship fund. We hope to see you!
Rubber Duck Races
You make a difference
Event Update
Thank you for your interest in attending Cat-on-Tap. We regret to share that we have decided to postpone Cat-on-Tap due to the rising Covid-19 cases. While the event was to take place outdoors our first priority is keeping you and our staff healthy.
The Catamount Institute Team
Donate Online
Please consider making a donation to support the Catamount Institute programs.
Help us connect more kids to the outdoors by making a secure donation online.