Outdoor Education & Adventure
Earn Your Badge!
Join Catamount Institute naturalists as they lead exciting outdoor lessons
that will fulfill the requirements for a badge. Cost $12 per session.
We have yet to announce our badge offerings & registration for our Spring 2025 Girl Scout Day. If you would like to be notified when we open registration please fill out the form to the right.
- We rotate through different badge offerings, so Girl Scouts in there levels can earn different badges with us each time
- The event is often held on a Saturday in late April or May.
- Besides change badge offerings to keep things fresh, the logistics and details often stay the same. See below for what Fall 2024 looked like
Interest levels also help us plan events so that they meet community needs. The more interest and info we have ahead of time the better. Thank you!

Upcoming Events

Spring '25 Earn-a-Badge Day: May 3rd, 2024
Explore the outdoors with Catamount Institute’s trained outdoor professionals and earn a badge at the same time! Come for the morning or afternoon or both! This is not a drop off program. All Girl Scouts must attend with her parent, guardian, or troop leader. Girl to adult ratios must be met. Pack a picnic lunch if you plan on staying all day.

MORNING session 9:00AM - 11:30AM
AFTERNOON session 12:30PM - 3:00PM
Outdoor Adventurer

MORNING Session 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Eco Camper
AFTERNOON session 12:30PM - 3:00PM

MORNING 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Citizen Science Journey
AFTERNOON 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Cadette Trail Adventure
Note: Due to the nature of the single day event, we will fulfill as much of the Journey requirements as possible and help the Girl Scouts create their Take Action Plans
Here are some of the ways we are working to create a safer environment:
- Staff and adults are encouraged to wear masks at all times. Scouts should ideally wear a mask in close contact and not up and moving around.
- Hand sanitation stations
- Daily disinfecting of high contact surfaces and materials
Please do not come to the event if you have been in contact with someone who has experienced symptoms or you have experienced symptoms. Check out this symptom tracker from the Colorado Department of Public Health
To prepare for these single-day programs Catamount Institute purchases supplies and schedules staffing based on registration numbers. Due to the nature of the single-day program, we are unable to offer refunds for any reason.