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Kids grow better outside

Generation Wild of the Pikes Peak Region

A movement to get more kids outdoors.

There are many ways in which this generation’s childhood is different from that of the last generation, but one of the most abrupt contrasts is the degree to which it is being spent indoors. It’s not just children; adults are spending less time outdoors as well. On average, kids today only spend 4-7 minutes each day in unstructured play and 7-8 hours in front of computer screens. Lets Change That!

A new generation of kids outdoors

Where we work
Generation Wild of the Pikes Peak Region is focused on the South East side of Colorado Springs.
Who we work with
Generation Wild of the Pikes Peak Region works with all kids but gives extra focus to diverse and underserved communities.
What we do
Outdoor fun and adventures. With over 10 partners we have outdoor experiences for all ages and the whole family.

Visit Generation Wild PPR

Click below to visit the Generation Wild of the Pikes Peak region coalition and programs. Generation Wild of the Pikes Peak region is housed within Catamount Institute and can be supported by clicking the donate button at the top of this page.

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